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Association of
Leadership Educators

Guiding the Leaders of Tomorrow


Executive Committee – among this group’s duties are selecting and evaluating association staff or association management company (AMC), as may be applicable, and serving as a resource to staff or AMC in determining issues requiring board action/discussion. Contact: Kaley Klaus

Audit and Finance Committee – among this group’s duties are annually requesting budget proposals from other working groups, evaluating each in relation to anticipated overall revenue and expenses as well as association priorities, and drafting a comprehensive annual operating budget to the board of directors for review, modification as may be necessary, and approval. Additionally this group ensures adherence to all financial policies outlined in this manual.  Contact: Wren Mills

Nominating Committee – this group annual solicits association members to serve on the ALE board of directors, vets potential nominees, and forwards a slate of candidates to the full membership for voting via electronic means. The criteria this group may consider in vetting candidates may include, among other things, length of membership, previous service with ALE, member testimonials, and demonstration of commitment to the best interests of the association.  Contact: Kristie Guffey

Conference Committee – this group and any sub-groups it creates plans, executes and evaluations the ALE Annual Conference in accordance with the policies outlined in this manual and as directed by the board of directors.  Contact: Brittany Adams-Pope

Journal of Leadership Education (JOLE) Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) – this group solicits for its members, vets them and recommends potential EAB members and a Journal Editor to the ALE board of directors for review and action. Criteria for service on the EAB and as JOLE Editor is detailed in the JOLE Policy Manual.  Contact:  Jackie Bruce

Marketing and Public Relations Committee – this group focuses on the promotion of ALE and ensures adherence to the social media and logo use policies outlined in this manual.  Contact: Jennifer Okoliko & Kate McCain

Resource Development Committee – in addition to researching and recommending potential non-dues revenue opportunities for ALE, this groups aids the conference committee through securing sponsorships and ensuring agreed upon recognition for the annual conference.  Contact: John Banter

Awards and Recognition Committee – this group sets deadlines for nominations and ensures nominations are reviewed, recipients selected, and awards ordered and presented at the annual conference and at other times as may be appropriate throughout the year.  Contact: Keondria McClish Boyd & Anna Whitehall

Member Services and Communication Committee – this group causes the member newsletter to be created and disseminated, keeps the association website current, and manages other communications and services as benefits of membership.  Contact: Summer Odom & Kathryn Woods

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